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Despite placing 6th in the 2018/19 season, the "Super 2's" are hoping to make the 2019/20 season their best yet.


With an influx of new players for the 2018/19 season, it took the 2nd team a while to settle into their playing style, giving few results in the league. However, the team beat Teeside Univerity 6-0 and tied local rival York St. John 2-2 in thrilling matches at home.  Fortunately, the team grew into its potential in time for the Roses 2019 tournament, beating the University of Lancaster 2-0! 


Rebecca Leach will captain the team in the 2019/20 season with fellow second-year, Sonya Sandhu, taking the vice-captaincy. Below is a message from the 2nd team captain;


"The 2018/19 season was one for us all to learn and develop from. Whilst we didn’t finish where we originally hoped in the league table, we only take the positive learning points from our defeats, pushing forward to a much more rewarding playing season for the whole team. Our team last year consisted of a wide variety of amazing girls who all had something unique to bring to every game we played. With personalities and skill sets from all over the world, the returning girls from last season look forward to welcoming an exciting new group of freshers that we’re sure will all be great additions to our football family. I would describe the 2s as an inclusive space where you make some of your best friends at uni and become like a second family, not just a football team, for all new players to accepted into. As a team we hope to really build on the foundations we built last year, working together to move our way up the league table, and of course, continuing our Roses winning streak. I’m majorly looking forward to working alongside Sonya as my vice-captain, and leading this team through what I’m sure will be a really rewarding and successful season for us all." - Rebecca Leach

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